Monday, February 9, 2009


Okay people... I have to say it. I have totally slacked off on the blog this week. I've started running again in the afternoons and it's leaving me feeling like a limp noodle, I also want to eat an entire pizza afterwards. I have a few submissions for Who's on Salads?? and they are good. Some are G rated, some PG and some would make the dumb and dumber people blush.. I mean, it's customer service and people will be people.  Another thing that I spent 2 hours last night reading was Pioneer Woman. GOOD GOD, that's good literature for blog land. I'm referring to the story where she meets her husband... It's so Brokeback Mountain, so The Quiet Man... anyhoo... look for a "who's on salads" horror story coming soon!


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog for banquet managers and leaving a comment. I always need another assistant banquet manager...why don't you sign-up. Thanks.
    So You Want To Be a Banquet Manager

  2. I'll be looking forward to "who's on salads ... sounds like a horror story like what every restaurant in America is going to be like this Saturday, Valentine's Day!

    wishing you well from Indiana, USA, mTw
