Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Can I get an Ashtray?"

Good Evening... our first "Who the F#*$ is on Salads???" Please welcome "Lola" from Fort Worth, TX....

"We had this manager Ricardo. He was an original manager of an  Italian Restaurant that serves ALOT of Salad and Breadsticks. I was in SMOKING.. remember that? The smoking section...  We could never keep ash trays. The servers were always running off with them to smoke.. Or they would break every 5 minutes. You know, how smoking would go from  no tables to 4 tables in about 5 minutes and everyone would sit down at once. Well of course that happened to me and we had no ash trays. What the F#@$! I ran around the restaurant twice, looking for them.. So I go back to the managers office.

Lola:   Ricardo.., I need ashtrays. I'm in smoking... And there are no ashtrays anywhere..

Ricardo: I don't know what you should do... (looking up from a paper) I guess you should look again.  I don't have any  ashtrays back here.  

 So I run out..I'm searching under to go boxes.. dry storage.. the usual places.. And I don't know what the hell to do, so I go back to the office yet again!

Lola: Ricardo... (exhausted) What should I do about the ashtrays.. I can't find them anywhere!

Ricardo..What do you want me to do? What the F&$# do you want!!! (He whips around)  "I guess I could shit you one.. I would SHIT you one if I could!!! GOD!!!!!!" 

A normal human being.. manager with a purpose would have run across the street to Albertson's and got me one... or 20! Instead I'm handing people a giant tumbler... oh let me put a little water in that for ya...

Thank you Lola for that little jewel... Oh how we love the restaurant manager on a power trip..


  1. Great blog name! I'll be stopping by to read!

  2. I agree about being a great blog name since I too have been 'In The Weeds' many many times in my shooting out that darn machine like it was on crack!

    Thanks for coming over, would love to know who you are? I laughed, because I am originally from Ft Worth, like Lola...

  3. nice blog.i liked the way of your writing.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lola?... Where did you come up with Lola? Love the BLOG. Can not wait to share some of my stories. Thanks Chantel

  6. I waited table when I was young and so I have a certain respect for people at restaurants lol.. Your blog is great also.. Im so excited! You were my first comment on my new blog!

    ps..I am now one of your loyal followers!

  7. Too funny. I managed at Ruth's Chris in Fort Worth, perhaps Ricardo needs a beating! I can make a few calls for you. hahaha

    Yes, it just makes me cringe to see such unfortunate people in leadership positions. I'm a hospitality writer who writes from the server/bartenders perspective. I did that for as long as I've managed. If you're interested in an interesting blog.. check mine out. It is called Profiling Restaurant Style. I will disclose every ethnic, religious, gender, party group you can imagine that sucked to wait on. The introduction is out now!
